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Accepting new clients at our West Boca location. TEXT 561-325-2151 with your first/last name, email address, and what area of the face/body is your priority for treatment if you'd like to start the new client consultation process!
How does electrolysis work?Electrolysis is a process whereby a tiny pre-sterilized, disposable probe is inserted into the hair follicle. The skin is not punctured or harmed. A slight amount of current is then applied through the probe. That current coagulates the tissue and the papilla (the hair's blood supply), which nourishes the hair. The dermal papilla at the bottom of each hair must be completely de-activated so it can no longer sustain nourishment to the hair root.
Is electrolysis expensive?With electrolysis, the problem is being dealt with permanently. Fees for electrolysis are in keeping with other aesthetic services. Consider the cost of creams, razors, waxing, and your countless hours pursuing temporary results. You will be saving hours and expense over a lifetime because electrolysis is permanent. Competent professional service is well worth the cost.
Why choose electrolysis?Electrolysis is the only FDA approved hair removal method that is permanent. All other methods are only temporary. Electrolysis saves time because temporary methods are timely and costly. Electrolysis is money well-spent because it is permanent.
Are there different kinds of electrolysis?The field of Electrology includes: Thermoylysis, Galvanic, and The Blend. Thermolysis uses high frequency waves to coagulate the tissue inside of the hair follicles. A tiny hair-like probe slides down into the follicle along the hair. Then the electrolgist applies the high frequency current, also known as shortwave. This heats up the tissue surrounding the hair. The probe itself does not heat up. You do feel a quick warming sensation. The warmer you can tolerate, more of the follicle will be treated. Thermolysis (perfered method by Miriam) is a quick process taking very little time with each hair. A large area is able to be covered in one appointment. Galvanic uses direct current to chemically destroy the cells and hair root. A chemical reaction takes place when direct current comes in contact with the salt and moisture in the follicle. The follicle acts like a vessel for lye to be created. The lye, also known as sodium hydroxide, is what destroys the tissue. Galvanic alone is rarely used as it is a very slow process taking 10-30 seconds for each hair and can be uncomfortable. *WARNING: There are some salons that claim to do transdermal electrolysis/permanent hair removal. This is true in the sense that they are creating the chemical reaction on the surface of the skin, but since hair is not a good conductor of electricity only a small amount, if any, lye is made in the follicle itself. You must find a licensed Electrologist that performs needle/probe electrolysis for it to be permanent. This is a big caution as many people have spent thousands of dollars on transdermal electrolysis that had no effect on the re-growth of hair. The Blend combines the two currents and uses them simultaneously and/or individually to coagulate and create lye. The benefit of the combined currents is that more tissue can be destroyed with less lye. The high frequency creates porosity and allows the galvanic to reach further into the follicle. The blend is a slower method in that it takes more time per hair than thermolysis. Each hair treated can be more fully destroyed during treatment with blend but the process is slower taking several seconds for each hair.
How many treatments are needed to ensure my hair is permanently gone?An electrolysis program must be tailored to meet each individual client's needs. Certain factors determine the number and length of time for each treatment, such as the number of hair follicles contained in the area of treatment, the sensitivity of the skin in the particular area to be treated, and previous methods of hair removal. Most clients find that a weekly session - beginning at 30 minutes to one hour, and gradually moving to 15-20 minutes - is the most effective. Your Electrologist can only permanently treat the hairs that are currently growing and cannot guarantee how many or when your body will stimulate new hair growth. Methods of temporary hair removal such as tweezing and waxing can make the hairs stronger, darker and coarser. The coarser the hair, the more energy it will take to treat and the longer it will take to become permanently removed. The closer you adhere to your treatment schedule, the more effective your treatment program will be in helping free yourself of superfluous hair - forever!!
What areas are usually treated with electrolysis?Any hair, anywhere! Woman often have treatments on eyebrow, upper-lip, checks, hairline, chest, tummy, fingers, toes, arms, underarms, legs and bikini/genitals; Men on outer ear hair, brow, nose (avoiding nostrils), back, shoulders, chest, tummy and genitals.
Is electrolysis permanent?YES! Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method of permanent hair removal. Once the hair follicle is destroyed the hair will not grow back. Having a good understanding about how electrolysis works will help you understand why it requires a series of treatments for permanency.
What causes excessive hair growth?If you are embarrassed by unwanted hair, you are not alone. As many as 90% of all men and woman may be afftected by some degree. Any one (or a combination) of the following factors can cause, or add to unwanted hair growth. Heredity Glandular or hormonal imbalance or PCOS Reactions to certain medications Pregnancy Normal aging process Stress Excessive waxing & tweezing (which in most cases causes the hair to come back darker, and coarser than before)
How long has electrolysis been around? Is it safe?Electrolysis is a tried-and-true method of hair removal. It was first developed in 1875, and since then has been used by doctors and electrologists as the only method of permanent hair removal approved by the FDA. Invented at first to treat ingrown eyelashes, it has evolved to be one of the most popular ways to remove unwanted hair cosmetically. With this established safety record there are few worries when getting electrolysis. There can be slight redness after your treatment, some swelling may occur in some individuals. This usually disappears within an hour. Sometimes a honey colored crust called a lymph crust will appear over the follicle, this is natures band-aid and should be left alone to heal. Very rarely does anyone have a more severe reaction as it is done on such a microscopic level.
Is electrolysis for me?For athletes For breasts and sensitive areas For curly, wavy or coarse hair For dark skin For hormone imbalance or PCOS For men For teens For transgender people
Does electrolysis have any side effects on the skin?Immediately following treatment, there may be a temporary redness or tenderness, which varies with each individual. The latest technology has made electrolysis more comfortable and effective than ever before. Your electrologist will provide you with post treatment instructions (found in the Before & After Care)
Can I get electrolysis treatment if I have tattoos?Yes! Unlike laser, electrolysis will not mess with or blow out the pigments of your tattoo. It will however make your tattoo pop with smoothness. Electrolysis can be performed anywhere to bring out the most confident you.
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